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Case Results

False Child Abuse Findings Set Aside

The Geller Firm represented a loving and caring father who was falsely accused of child abuse by the mother of the child. Our client suffered for almost 2 years in the Child Protective Services (Juvenile Dependency) court system for something he did not do. There was a point where he went almost a year of no contact with his child, but he kept his composure and fought the accusations with dignity and respect. With the help of a highly intelligent therapist who was able to uncover the truth, we established visitation, we got the detriment finding lifted, and we discovered new evidence that the minor child lied about the incidents, and then even recanted multiple statements that were made to open the case. We filed a very rare motion to set aside the findings and terminate jurisdiction because the child was not credible and there was reason to doubt the original allegations. Justice was served because the false child abuse findings were set aside by the court, the father re-established 50/50 custody, and the case was dismissed.
